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Install Ubuntu 9.04 Metasploit Colinux On Window
Sunday, January 29, 2012
tool window
putty => ssh client
winscp => ssh upload file
Colinux 0.7.9 or last new version

Install And Setup On Window
1.Install Colinux On window
download coLinux-0.7.9.exe and Ubuntu-9.04-1gb.7z
2.edit file Startubutu.bat
"C:\Program Files\coLinux\colinux-daemon" @"config.txt
3.edit file config.txt
cofs0="C:\Program Files\coLinux"
kernel="C:\Program Files\coLinux\vmlinux"
root=/dev/cobd0 fastboot
#mount -t cofs 1 /usr/rain/filewindow
4.restart computer and click startubuntu.bat

Tool Linux
Install And Setup On Ubuntu 9.04 Colinux
1.login linux user root password root and type "passwd" chang password
2.edit /etc/apt/sources.list
deb jaunty main restricted universe multiverse
deb jaunty-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb jaunty-security main restricted universe multiverse
#sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get install wget nano nmap dnsutils gcc
#sudo apt-get install subversion ruby libruby rdoc libyaml-ruby libzlib-ruby libsqlite3-dev
#sudo apt-get install libopenssl-ruby libdl-ruby libreadline-ruby ruby1.8-dev
#sudo apt-get install libiconv-ruby rubygems libgtk2-ruby libglade2-ruby sqlite3
#sudo gem update --system
#sudo gem install rubygems-update
#sudo update_rubygems
#sudo gem update
#gem list --local
#sudo gem install rails
#sudo gem install sqlite3
#sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby
#tar -xvf framework-3.7.2.tar.bz2
#mv framework-3.7.2/ /opt/framework3/
#cd /opt/framework3/
#sudo svn update
#sudo ln -sf /opt/framework3/msf* /usr/bin/
#sudo msfconsole

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Call to undefined function curl_init
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Set Curl in Appserv php5
1. Copied libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll to c:\windows\system32
2. Edited my PHP.ini file un-commenting extension=php_curl.dll
3. set extension directory C:/AppServ/php5/ext/
4. Copied php_curl.dll from my C:/AppServ/php5/ext/ directory to C:/AppServ/php5 directory.

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ForGet Password Reset Plesk admin Password
Thursday, December 27, 2007
#cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow
(This holds psa admin password)
#/etc/rc.d/init.d/psa stop
(This stops Plesk and everything it runs.)
#/usr/local/psa/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld –skip-grant-tables &
#/usr/bin/safe_mysqld –skip-grant-tables &
(This starts up MySQL, bypassing the grant [password] tables.)
#/usr/local/psa/mysql/bin/mysql mysql
(You’re now in a mysql command line.)
#use mysql;
(This flushes everything out - too long to explain.)
#SET PASSWORD FOR admin=PASSWORD(’your-password-here’);
(Type that exactly as above, where ‘your-password-here’ is, put the password you entered in the Rackshack order

form when ordering your server.)
(You exit the mysql command line and return to root.)
#killall mysqld
#/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld restart
(Shuts down the mysql daemon.)
#/etc/rc.d/init.d/psa start
(Starts Plesk back up, which restarts the mysql daemon which has your new password in it.)

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php array rand test code
Monday, August 13, 2007
$test = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D');
$result = array_rand($test);
echo $test[$result];

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Create Configure User Accounts in Windows XP
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
open the User Accounts tool, open Control Panel from the Start menu, and then double click User Accounts.

To create a new user account, follow these steps:

1. Click "Create a new account" in the "Pick a task" list box.
2. Type the name that you want to use for the account, and then click Next.
3. Select the desired account type, and then click Create Account.

To make changes to an account, follow these steps:

1. Click "Change an account" in the "Pick a task" list box.
2. Click the account that you want to change.
3. Select the item that you would like to change:

- Click "Change the name" to change the name that appears on the Welcome screen for the account.

- Click "Change the picture" to change the picture that is used to represent the user account. You can use any image file on the computer for the user's picture.

- Click "Change the account type" to change the account type to increase or decrease the user's rights on the computer.

- Click "Create/change the password" to create or change the password for the user and create or change the password hint.

- Click "Delete the account" to delete the user account from the computer. When you delete the account, you are given the
option to save the user's files on the computer.

Note: You can not delete the account for a user that is currently logged on to the computer.

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