If you hide an account, you can access it from the Welcome screen by pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL twice. You'll get the older style logon dialog. Type in the username and password.
To unhide a user, and make them show up on the Welcome Screen
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'xp unhide users - Unhides an XP User account from the Welcome screen 'Power By Gitem Option Explicit 'On Error Resume Next Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim ws, t, p1, cn, errnum p1 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList\" t = "UnHide XP User Account" cn = InputBox("Enter the Username to unhide and click OK", t, "") If cn <> "" Then ws.RegDelete p1 & cn Err.Clear errnum = Err.Number If errnum = 0 Then MsgBox cn & "will show on the Welcome Screen",4096,"Done!" Else MsgBox "Please make sure you entered a valid user name",4096,"Error!" End If End If
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